遙控直流伺服馬達控制芯片:DIP、TQFP, 遙控直流伺服馬達控制板:MIDI、Mini、串口、USB。 產生PWM脈寬調製信號,控制多個伺服器; I/O數字接口,可以輸入其它傳感器反饋(如角度傳感器、電位器); 輸出直流電壓4.8V、6.0V,~5A; 有例程源代碼、驅動程序等支持。
1. DJ监控机器人(摄像头)
Josh Cardenas - Midi Controlled Robotic Cameras 。Josh Cardenas, one of the architects for the show effects for DJ Shadow and Cut Chemist, is using ServoCenter MIDI to control robotic cameras for real-time visuals.
The equipment includes both robotic pan-and-tilt cameras and wrist-mounted units that allow the audience a uniquely intimate view of the turntablists at work.
A short interview appears in Create Digital Motion. http://vimeo.com/1136271#at=0
优酷: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI0ODExMTYxMg==.html
2. 美国西北大学南美黑幽灵机器鱼
鱼鳍由16个独立伺服马达控制。Northwestern University's Robotic Ribbon Fin机器鱼 A team from the Departments of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University (Michael Epstein, J Edward Colgate, Malcolm A MacIver) introduced a new robotic fish fin inspired by the ribbon-like fin of the South American black ghost knifefish.
They generated PWM control signals using a ServoCenter board to address sixteen motors independently, and custom MATLAB software to send binary command data to ServoCenter using a serial interface to a Windows PC. View videos and more...
3. 电子动漫,僵尸头颅Andrea Giomaro used ServoCenter to create a robotic zombie head. http://www.andreagiomaro.it/animatronica.php
4.自主控制无人机Delft University Micro-Air Vehicle (MAV)
Christophe De Wagter and Matthijs Amelink at the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands are doing work on autonomous navigation with MAVs and interaction with operators.
Rex由ServoCenter 3.1控制器连接44个伺服马达Interactive Cybernetics' REX The Interactive Cybernetics' REX model uses 44 servos controlled exclusively by Yost Engineering’s ServoCenter 3.1 controller boards. Rex智能互动机器人“Unlike other servo controllers, the unique features of the Yost Engineering ServoCenter 3.1 controller allow us to produce lifelike facial expressions and realistic lip sync” says REX developer Walter Buist.
6. 美国国防部高等研究计划署DARPA沙漠机器人挑战大赛半决赛MonsterMoto's Jackbot Competes in DARPA Grand Challenge DARPA2005地面机器人半决赛 MonsterMoto Productions' desert racing robot, JackBot, was selected by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as a semifinalist in the DARPA Grand Challenge 2005 autonomous ground vehicle competition. Team MonsterMoto was led by computer engineer Phillip Yeager, and was one of 40 teams selected from the original field of 195 entrants.
7.德国木偶工作坊电动木偶和特技 Atelier Rebele, German Puppet Workshop 德国木偶剧团电动木偶 Atelier Rebele, led by Robert Rebele, creates a range of exotic puppets and special effects in Germany, and uses ServoCenter in animated puppet performances creates a range of exotic puppets and special effects in Germany, and uses ServoCenter in animated puppet performances.
North Stars Cycle Team行动不便学童电动单车 The North Stars Cycle Team at Michigan State University is made up of mechanical engineering design team members Laurie Emerson, Neal Koenig, Kelly Stahley, Jeff Staniszewski, and Tim Strand. They designed a special cycle for children with cerebral palsy at North Elementary.