

Evaluation Kit NV08C-EVK-RTK is a set of instruments for a developer of systems based on NV08C-RTK module. Use of NV08C-EVK-RTK is a convenient way to learn functionality of NV08C-RTK and start the system design quickly.

  • Description:
  • Functional diagram:
  • Description of external connectors, indicators and buttons:



Strsvr.exe软件工具可从www.rtklib.com软件包下载,按照NTRIP Caster/Server协议传输RTCM差分数据。


NV08C-RTK基站,置于Base Mode即可自动发出改正信息、NV08C-RTK移动站,置于Rover Mode即可自动接收基站改正信息。

$PNVGRTK,MODE,x NMEA message (see also NV08C-RTK NMEA Protocol Specification):

$PNVGRTK,MODE,2, message turns NV08C-RTK to RTK-Rover mode(by default).出厂默认或设置移动站;

$PNVGRTK,MODE,1, message turns NV08C-RTK to Base mode.基站设置;

$PNVGRTK,MODE,3, message turns NV08C-RTK to Base mode with antenna position averaging.长期基站工作模式,取天线相位中心位置平均值;

$PNVGRTK,MODE,0, message turns NV08C-RTK to Autonomous mode.设置为自主工作接收机。


参考NV08C-RTK GNSS低成本高精板卡,http://www.aitcl.com/products/gnss/nv08c-rtk/。

Getting Started with EVK-RTK测试开始步骤

1. Install NVS USB to UART Bridge Drivers before connecting the RTK-EVK device to the PC. Drivers are available on the provided NVS memory stick or can be downloaded at www.aitcl.com.  


2. Connect RTK-EVK to the PC/Notebook by means of two USB cables. USB1 port will provide power to RTK-EVK. Red LED “PWR” will be solid. Operating system will detect a new device and begin with installing the drivers. Choose to search drivers on the local machine if the system begins searching the drivers in Windows Update.  

连接NV08C-EVK-RTK两条USB线到电脑/笔记本,USB1口提供电源到NV08C-EVK-RTK,红LED灯PWR(电源)亮。操作系统将自动侦测到发现新设备、安装USB驱动程序。一旦Windows Update开始寻找驱动,选择在电脑/笔记本本地寻找驱动。


3. Three virtual COM-ports will appear in Windows Device Manager (refer to the picture below): 

三个虚拟串口显示在Windows Device Manager设备管理中(如下图)


Communication and control of RTK-EVK by means of service SW 软件服务的方式控制NV08CEVK-RTK及通信
For testing purposes Storegis SW Tool (available on the provided NVS memory stick or can be downloaded at www.aitcl.com) may be used for communication and control of RTK-EVK. The Tool provides receiving and visualization of navigation data from NV08C-RTK receiver, simple control of COMport and navigation settings as well as sending NMEA messages to NV08C-RTK receiver.

To start communication with NV08C-RTK-EVK开始通信、测试:

 run Storegis SW Tool 运行Storegis

 Select PC COM-port corresponding to either USB or UART1 port of NV08C-RTK-EVK (COM63 or COM102 in the example above)



 Select NMEA protocol, 230400 bps for USB or 115200 bps for UART1



 Push <Record> button (see the picture below)


Storegis Record

After connection to NV08C-RTK-EVK Storegis will receive and display navigation data automatically: 



Navigation settings of NV08C-RTK-EVK can be controlled in CONTROL window (see picture below): 



The CONTROL window supports the most frequently used configuration commands as device cold or warm restart, choosing of navigation systems etc. as well as sending NMEA messages as a string for manual control of NV08C device. 


Download 下载

1. 测试开发工具包说明书:NV08C-RTK-EVK-v1.0-ENG-20.02.2015.pdf

2. 演示软件 StoregisV8.4.3.0.zip (for all NV08C series)

3. 串口工具Terminal:Terminal.zip

4. RTKLIB: RTKLIB is an open source program package for standard and precise positioning with GNSS (global navigation satellite system). RTKLIB consists of a portable program library and several APs (application programs) utilizing the library. http://www.rtklib.com/

5. NV08C-RTK GNSS板卡采用UART转USB芯片,驱动NVS-USB-driver-v6.7-Windows.zip:
