
Tallysman Resources

 Antenna Product Overview


 Comparing GNSS Antenna Performance


 White Paper – GNSS Antennas


 TW3072 Timing Antenna Install


4000 Series White Paper – New Challenges for GNSS Patch Antennas


Patch Antennas for the New GNSS (GPS World Article Feb /12)


    Embedded-Antennas-Reference-Guide.pdf 内置天线指南

   Geoconnexion-Sept-2015 GEOCUE应用DJI S900+TW3870案列。


Tallysman Part Numbering system 天线订货指南

To order corrugated covered cable(波纹管线缆), add a "C" to the end of the model number (*price);

To order No-Magnet(免磁), add "NM" to end of model number (eg. 33-4421NM-) ;

To order with Adhesive Tape(胶粘贴), add "AT" to end of model number.





00= SMA straight male (plug)    01 = TNC straight female    02 = MCX straight male (plug)

03 = MMCX straight male (plug)   04 = SMB straight male (plug)   05 = MCX right angle male (plug)

06 = MMCX right angle male (plug)   07 = SMA female jack on bulkhead   08=H.FL ( *price)   09 = U.FL

10 = SMA R/A ( *price)  11 = Reverse polarity SMA  ( *price)

12 = Waterproof SMA  ( *price)   13 = SSMA  ( *price)

14 = N-Type female  ( *price)    15 = TNC straight male (plug)

16 = N-Type male  ( *price)     17 = BNC Male ( *price)

18 = FME  ( *price)    19 = MMCX female     20= SMA Female    21 = U.FL Male

22=R/A QMA ( *price)  23 = SMP   24 = SMC Male   25= SMC Straight Female   

26 = SMB Straight Female  27 = MCX straight female

33 = MMCX straight male (Cinch Connectivity PN 1353403-001) -  ( *price)

34x = FAKRA (replace “x” with colour code)  

注: ( *price)增加费用

** Cable length tolerances:  <1m : ±3.0mm, 1m-4.9m: ±30mm, >5m: ±50mm









TW1000,TW2000 series antenna ordering number






























Tallysman Connector连接器TW12x,TW14x,TW15x


TW3000,TW4000 series antenna ordering number





























TW5000 series antenna ordering number



























Mounting Brackets 安装支架

Tallysman offers the following mounting brackets for use with its TW3000 family (through hole) housing:

L-Bracket L型支架 – can be used to mount the antenna on a flat surface using screws or to a pole / pipe using hose clamps (not provided) L-Bracket Drawing













Pipe Mount 安装管件– can be used to mount antenna to the top of a pipe Pipe Mount Drawing


Pipe Mount
Pipe Thread Adapter













GPS星座、Glonass星座示意图,在地球表面接收到的卫星个数GPS+Glonass对比GPS。 AITcl.com提供GPS+Glonass、GPS+北斗接收器模块、天线,定位精度、可靠性等比单纯GPS、单反馈要好很多。 


YouTube: https://youtu.be/0FlXRzwaOvM

Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI5NjM0MDgyOA==.html