Embedded-Antennas-Reference-Guide.pdf 内置天线指南
Geoconnexion-Sept-2015 GEOCUE应用DJI S900+TW3870案列。
Tallysman Part Numbering system 天线订货指南
To order corrugated covered cable(波纹管线缆), add a "C" to the end of the model number (*price);
To order No-Magnet(免磁), add "NM" to end of model number (eg. 33-4421NM-) ;
To order with Adhesive Tape(胶粘贴), add "AT" to end of model number.
00= SMA straight male (plug) 01 = TNC straight female 02 = MCX straight male (plug)
03 = MMCX straight male (plug) 04 = SMB straight male (plug) 05 = MCX right angle male (plug)
06 = MMCX right angle male (plug) 07 = SMA female jack on bulkhead 08=H.FL ( *price) 09 = U.FL
10 = SMA R/A ( *price) 11 = Reverse polarity SMA ( *price)
12 = Waterproof SMA ( *price) 13 = SSMA ( *price)
14 = N-Type female ( *price) 15 = TNC straight male (plug)
16 = N-Type male ( *price) 17 = BNC Male ( *price)
18 = FME ( *price) 19 = MMCX female 20= SMA Female 21 = U.FL Male
22=R/A QMA ( *price) 23 = SMP 24 = SMC Male 25= SMC Straight Female
26 = SMB Straight Female 27 = MCX straight female
33 = MMCX straight male (Cinch Connectivity PN 1353403-001) - ( *price)
34x = FAKRA (replace “x” with colour code)
注: ( *price)增加费用
** Cable length tolerances: <1m : ±3.0mm, 1m-4.9m: ±30mm, >5m: ±50mm
Tallysman offers the following mounting brackets for use with its TW3000 family (through hole) housing:
L-Bracket L型支架 – can be used to mount the antenna on a flat surface using screws or to a pole / pipe using hose clamps (not provided) L-Bracket Drawing
GPS星座、Glonass星座示意图,在地球表面接收到的卫星个数GPS+Glonass对比GPS。 AITcl.com提供GPS+Glonass、GPS+北斗接收器模块、天线,定位精度、可靠性等比单纯GPS、单反馈要好很多。
YouTube: https://youtu.be/0FlXRzwaOvM
Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI5NjM0MDgyOA==.html